So if you've noticed the date on my page, I haven't blogged in over a year...yikes! I've got a lot of catching up to do. First off, I've moved grades! I've been teaching third grade for ten years...WoW! I loved it but I was ready for a change...
Our fourth graders are departmentalized. I teach Math and Spelling (I know a weird combination), but I love it. I have three blocks. Each block is 100 minutes. And let me tell you, those 100 minutes fly. So I thought I'd show you my schedule...see what you think.
7:50...Students arrive and eat breakfast or start their morning work/stations.
8:20-10:00...First Block
10:00-10:25...Second Block
10:50-11:30...Continue Second Block
12:15-1:05...Finish Second Block
1:05-2:00...Third Block
2:30-3:15...Finish Third Block
3:15...Kids Dismissed